Cautions when purchasing a security alarm company’s services

The cautions when purchasing a security alarm company’s services in Singapore.

The following are the cautions when purchasing a security alarm company’s services.

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Is there any hidden fee charged?

When you purchase an alarm system, some companies require installation fees while others do not like to charge for their installation service. Some may even mask it as “service tax” or “material tax.” It usually happens when a customer orders a system from a home center or middleman. Be careful of these companies.

Is the company going to take responsibility if something goes wrong?

Some security alarm companies point out that they will not be liable if an accident occurs due to their workmanship and equipment. In reality, some companies take responsibility for accidents caused by their equipment or installation, but they might not do the same if the customer himself breaks the rules. Be careful of these companies.

Does it guarantee to work even in emergencies?

Some security alarm companies guarantee that their systems will work only during testing or when no power is applied (when the systems is in standby). In reality, the alarm does not always work during emergencies. Be careful of these companies.

Can you repair it or replace it when necessary?

Some security alarm companies say that they will not be responsible for any breakdowns, malfunctions and damage which may occur due to mis-installation by a third party, or damage to the system caused by natural disasters. However, they often tell customers that their service is free for a certain period of time. Be careful of these companies.

What kind of support do you offer?

When something goes wrong with the alarm systems, customers may need help right away even in emergencies due to accidents. Some companies say they will not be liable if the customer himself causes a problem while some continue to provide support for a certain period of time. Be careful of these companies.

The cautions when purchasing an alarm system are as follows

For home security, many people are purchasing alarm systems these days.

However, there are some things to be careful about when purchasing an alarm system at a home center or dealer. The following is a list of some important points to take note of.

  • Whether or not there is any hidden fee charged;
  • The company is going to take responsibility for accidents or not;
  • How much time will take to reach the security company;
  • What happens if the system malfunctions etc.
  • It guarantees that the alarm will work during emergencies or not;
  • Whether or not you can repair or replace the system when necessary;
  • What kind of support do they offer.

When purchasing an alarm system, be careful of companies that have these kinds of cautions.

Get a quote in writing before you sign on the dotted line.

Your alarm system provider should give you a quote in writing before you sign on the dotted line. This is to protect you and avoid confusion.

Here is an example of how it works: Company X says they will provide you with one security guard for 1000 dollars per month, but if they do not show up at your property due to any reasons, they will not be responsible for any damages.

After you have signed the agreement with them, if there is a robbery at your house and no security guard shows up due to reasons unknown, their company will refuse to compensate or take responsibility. Therefore, ensure that everything is clearly stated in black and white before you sign on the dotted line.

Additional Tips

  • Read your contract carefully to know what the company is offering, how it works, and what happens if there’s an emergency or system malfunction
  • Find out about the company’s service guarantee – some offer up to 5 years of free security services while others only offer 1 year of coverage
  • Make sure that you’re getting the best value for your money by comparing prices with competitors and looking at reviews online (or asking around)


In conclusion, it is important to be cautious when purchasing a security alarm system. While some companies offer great customer service and lifetime warranties, others do not. It’s up to you as the consumer which company will work best for your needs. Do research before buying so that you can get what’s right for your family or business!

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