Indoor activities for kids read these tips.

Indoor activities

Indoor Activity

Modeling head offers more than 2,500 fun and educational games, Indoor activities, and crafts. Our games for children are not to be made online but are an alternative to video and virtual games. 

Playful Adapted

Playful Adapted to the age of the child (Selection by age groups). Economical with extensive use of packaging for products consumed by the family for Indoor activities. Easy to implement, adults are guiding step by step to value in the child’s eyes. You can also teach your kids about vocabulary words that start with letter a.

1. Image question.

Age: 8 years and over

Number of participants: 3 and over

Preparation time: Short

Playing time: Short

Required accessories

– Picture book

– One sheet of paper per player


Select an image from a book and make a list of questions on that image. For example: How many windows are there in the house? How many buttons are there on the jacket? Is there any lawn in the picture? How many trees are there? Is the sky clear or cloudy? What animals can we see there? The degree of difficulty, i.e., the complexity of the image, should depend on the players’ age. Players carefully watch the image for a minute, then answer your questions. The player with the correct answers is declared the winner.


Deduct 1 point for each incorrect answer. For older players, a game leader and chooses the image and the questions to ask.

 2. ABC.

Indoor activity

Age: 9 and over

Number of participants: 5 and over

Preparation time: short

Playing time: medium

Required accessories

– One or two sheets of paper

– One pencil

– Scissors

– Two small containers


Write the alphabet letters on the sheet of paper, cut them out for Indoor activities, and put them in one of the containers. Then, write in categories, for example, “Animals,” “Fruits,” or “Vegetables,” cut them out, and place them in the other container. Tech time gazette.

The exact number of category

Have the same number of category papers as letter papers, even if the same categories are repeated. The players, seated on the ground, form a circle. The leader’s designated player begins the game by drawing a class and an alphabet letter for Indoor activities. He reads both aloud. The first player to give a correct answer keeps the letter and category papers and becomes the game leader.


Office and school accessories

Actors / actresses

Food (other than fruit and vegetables)


Trees and plants

Cars, motorcycles, trucks (brands)



TV show


If no player answers, it is the playmaker who keeps the papers, and he draws again. When there are no more papers to pick up, the player who has accumulated the most is declared the winner of Indoor activities.


Rather than cutting out the letters, you can use a plastic alphabet (sold inexpensively in-game stores or department stores, in the children’s toys department) or 26 letters (from A to Z) of a game of Scrabble. For younger players, ignore the more complicated letters: K, W, X, Y, and Z. See suggested categories


– for older players, you can complicate the game by asking for two answers per question.

3. Clothespins.

Indoor activity

Age: 9 and over

Number of participants: 4 and over

Preparation time: short

Playing time: to be determined

Required accessories

Six clothespins per player


Determine the time allotted for the activity. Each player attaches six clothespins to their clothes. The players walk around, freely discussing everything and nothing but avoiding uttering the words “yes” and “no.” When a player hears another say one of these words, he takes a pin from him and puts it on his clothing. When the activity is over, the player with the most clothespins is declared the winner.

4. The lemon dance.

Indoor activity

Age: 9 and over

Number of participants: 7 and over

Preparation time: short

Playing time: medium

Required accessories

One lemon per two players

One radio or a small musical instrument.


A player is designated the playmaker; it is he who takes care of the music. While he stands with his back to the players to ensure his impartiality, the others form two teams. Face to face, hands behind their backs, a lemon held between their foreheads, they dance to the rhythm of the music. When the music stops, they have to kneel without dropping the lemon, of course vocabulary words for kids .

When the music resumes, they have to stand up. The team that drops its lemon is eliminating. The game ends when there is only one team left on the dance floor.


You can relax the rule for younger players by giving them a set number of chances before being eliminated (e.g., the team is allowed to drop the lemon twice before being destroyed).

5. The surprising drawing.

Indoor activity

Age: 6 and over

Number of participants: 1 and over

Preparation time: short

Playtime: short

Required accessories

drawing paper



Each participant brings a sheet of paper and a pencil. We turn off the light, and each one, in turn, says what he wants as part of the drawing (house, tree, cat, etc.). And everyone does so. When all the participants have had the right to speak (if the number of participants is small. So each can ask for two or three elements to draw), we turn on the light and look at each other’s masterpiece.


Be sure to spread a large sheet of paper under the place where the kids will be performing. If it is daylight, blindfold participants so that they cannot see anything.


Replace the single pencil with colored pencils. The effect will be even funnier. If the participants are old enough, they write their names on the back of their drawing sheet before turning off the light. When the drawing is finish, and before turning on the light again. So, They place all the graphics in the center of the table, mixing them well. However, When the light turns on again, participants should try to identify their drawing and find out who owns the other pictures.

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