Ideas to make eco-friendly pillow boxes to attract customers:

Pillow Boxes Wholesale

An Eco-friendly paper for packaging will be recyclable and reusable. This will highly increase the efficiency of packaging. There are two main options to go green in packaging, Kraft paper, and corrugated paper. For making pillow boxes, Kraft paper is the best approach to make environmentally friendly packaging. Pillow boxes are an excellent method to pack small items. These are used for packaging candies, bakery cookies, jewelry, scarfs, sunglasses, or handmade craft items.

However, the large pillow boxes are known for their use in hair extensions packaging. These are a great alternative to other non-degradable packaging options. Pillow boxes are also convenient to use. Kraft pillow boxes are suitable to pack gifts, especially when decorated with some fancy ribbons. These will have a stylish and unique classic look. Thus, pillow boxes give the product a good impression and make brand products stand out in the store.

Ideas for pillow boxes wholesale:

Kraft pillow boxes are made in different sizes and designs. You can also add logo and product information to these boxes. It is possible to make color boxes, but with Kraft, these are usually brownish.  To add other features, one can use foil or add a window. Pillow boxes are tough enough to protect the product packed inside them, as Kraft is a strong and durable material for packaging. In addition, these pillow boxes save space due to their flat structure and take up very little room. 

Kraft paper is cost-effective; so, you can make these pillow boxes at affordable prices. Also, constructing pillow boxes wholesale is economical. In the bulk quantity, one orders in a large amount, so the overall price gets lower. These pillow boxes are made in versatile styles; some are as follow:

Basic Pillow Boxes:

Basic pillow boxes are found everywhere around us. These boxes are a popular style to package many products. Pillow boxes are flat with folded sides. These are very convenient, easy to fold and assemble. Kraft pillow packaging is made of Kraft paper, which makes them eco-friendly. The environment-friendly boxes can be made for other purposes after their use.

When they wear out after repeated use, these will naturally degrade into the environment. These are available in different sizes depending upon the product. For candies, these are small in size. In the case of scarves and other items, these are large. Thus, pillow boxes are employed in our daily livers for versatile purposes.

Pillow Boxes with Handle:

It is possible to modify pillow boxes in various ways, such as adding a handle to them. A handle will further increase the comfort of customers. These are available in markets for many products. The handle will make the boxes easy to hold and carry around. It will greatly increase the customer experience. These are very suitable for apparel items, such as T-shirts and scarves. A pillow box with a handle looks stylish and makes the product impactful. It will show that how much the label has put effort into making the packaging convenient. Therefore, handle pillow boxes will make customers satisfied and enhance the brand image.

Ribbon Pillow Boxes:

To make pillow boxes more engaging and captivating, sometimes a ribbon is added. You can modify pillow boxes with ribbon strips in two ways. Firstly, these can be designed to seal the packaging. In this case, the pillow box will open and close by tying these ribbons. These look very beautiful and aesthetics. A ribbon bow makes these boxes perfect for gift packing. Also, these can be used to create a handle. The ribbon handle will look very attractive. The ribbons highly add to the product’s appearance and presentation. Thus, these pillow boxes are used chiefly in the event like a wedding or parties.

Custom Pillow Boxes:

One can customize all types of pillow packaging. The custom packaging helps the label meet the market needs. One can make the custom box with your specific size, style, print, and content. For example, one may add a logo, ingredients, product instructions, or precautions to these boxes. These can have enhanced coatings and printings. The coverings can be gold or silver foil. With advanced print, such as Spot UV, it is possible to make engaging custom boxes.

The custom boxes highly increase the consumer experience. This draws in more customers to the product and earns brand recognition. Therefore, to make the market competitive boxes, one can utilize customized packaging.


To conclude, one can make many types of pillow boxes wholesale. The most common type is the basic pillow packaging. However, one can make enhanced boxes by adding ribbons and handles. Also, it is possible to create custom boxes.

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